Corporate & Financial Strategy
  Investor Relations
  Financial Communications

EJ Palmer Consulting

Investor Relations

Investor Relations is the communication of information and insight between a company and the investment community.  This process enables a full appreciation of the company’s business activities, strategy and prospects and allows the market to make an informed judgement about the fair value and appropriate ownership of a company.

UK Investor Relations Society

Clear and consistent communication with those that own shares in your company and those that may do so in the future is a prerequisite for driving shareholder value, reducing share price volatility and keeping your investors on-side.

Good understanding of your strategy, key messages and equity story will enable your company manage its way successfully through times of both prosperity and challenge. IR is an important tool which a company can use in the execution of its strategy, for example in fund raisings and expansion of the shareholder base.

EJ Palmer Consulting’s IR services include:

  • Business plan optimisation
  • Analysis of your company’s equity story and investment messages
  • Corporate Governance and IR regulation advisory
  • Interaction with buy- and sell-side analysts
  • Development of roadshow presentations
  • Managing the financial calendar
  • Annual reports
  • Web site development

  • Sitryx Therapeutics
  • Phenutest
  • VHsquared
  • KaNDy Therapeutics